
Glass FX
202 S First St, Champaign
+1 217 359-0048

Stained and decorative glass gallery. Also sells supplies and teaches classes.

Champaign Surplus
303 S Neil St, Champaign
+1 217 356-4703

Clothing and gear for hiking, camping and other outdoors activities. Military surplus is in the back.

Boneyard Pottery
403 S Water St, Champaign
+1 217 355-5610

Local pottery studio, for both decorative and functional items. Also offers classes.

The Meat Salesroom
102 Meat Sciences Lab, 1503 S Maryland, Urbana
+1 217 333-3404
1-5:30 p.m. Tues/Thurs; 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Fri.

One of the stranger local institutions, this University of Illinois facility sells a variety of meats produced by the agriculture college. Offerings vary widely depending upon what classes and experiments are in session. The beef jerky is a local legend. Call for price list & specials.